Are you ready to GET RESULTS!


Are you ready to STEP UP YOUR GAME?


I am so excited that you are taking charge of your life and considering Life by Design Coaching.


It is time to celebrate: You are making the choice to live the leading role in your Life Movie! 🎉 🎊


As the great Les Brown quotes: “You have greatness in you!”


Let me Say It Again:

You. Have. Greatness. In. You.


Put Pamela’s 30 years of experience inspiring and helping people find their Purpose by Design to use!

Hi there! I am so excited that you are taking charge of your life and considering Life by Design Coaching. 🚀


Here is a little bit about me:


I have been married to my husband James since 1995 and we have 6 beautiful children and one incredible granddaughter. We also have a family dog named Bailey, as well as 3 cats and 7 birds. Our home is full of love (and fun) all the time!


I have years of high-level experience inspiring and helping hundreds of people find and  pursue their Purpose by Design.


Life transforming power comes with one-on-one coaching and mentoring.

12 Week Transformation Coaching Program:

  • Self-Discovery Investment $3000.00


This Program is crafted to your individual needs.


Weekly Zoom Classes

Access to my team and myself, we want you to succeed.

Life Transformation Text and Workbook

Live The Adventure Journal

Learn the 3Ms – Mindset Message and Movement

Mindset – Connection creates your Message.

Message – Creates the Movement.

Movement – Changes the You and the World around you.

Not ready for a 3 months fast paced program, I got you covered…



One Month At A Time

Life by Design Coaching

  • Self-Discovery Investment 500 (monthly)


Four monthly Purpose with Pamela Coaching Sessions


Vision Board Party

Daily Confessions

Life Script

Empowerment Routine


Self-paced purpose plan

  • PAUSE- review where you are at in all areas of your life.

  • PASSION – create the life plan. Recognize the greatness within you

  • PURPOSE – Launch into your greatness and ascend to your Purpose By Design

Some of the Topics we will cover in your sessions: 

REAL Goal setting – Are you willing to do what it takes? – Who am I? Personality Inventories – Paradigms – Stinkin’ Thinkin’ – Removing the knowing-doing gap – How do you keep the Momentum – The universe loves SPEED!



Morning Routine – Serenity Chapter – Self Confidence Formula – Captivated (my first book) – Think and Grow Rich (our text) – Goal Card – Grace and Gratitude


Are you not sure yet if a Coaching package is for you?  No problem…

I got ya…

Life By Design Ala Carte

$150.00 per session

I listen to you and we begin a plan.



YES, I am ready Let’s Go

I am almost ready… Sign me up for a Free Discovery Call, so I can learn more.

You have a Purpose By Design, Not By default.  – “I am cheering you on!”

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